Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hydrocarbon Fuel Reformer for Fuel Cell Car

Fuel cell vehicles offer many advantages when compared to internal combustion or battery-powered electric vehicles. Advantages over the internal combustion engine (ICE) include the potential for higher fuel efficiency and lower emissions. The advantages over a battery- powered vehicle include an improved driving range and shorter refueling times.

The fuel efficiency of a fuel cell vehicle is expected to be about twice that for current internal combustion engines and the overall energy consumption (fuel chain and vehicle) is expected to be lower than that of battery-powered vehicles. Emission levels are expected to meet the Super Ultra Low Emission Vehicle Standard, much lower than those from current ICEs.

The ideal fuel for the low-temperature proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cells being considered for automotive applications is hydrogen. Currently, the infrastructure for hydrogen refueling is lacking, and hydrogen storage technologies available for onboard storage provide a decreased driving range compared to gasoline and ICE technology.

However, it is apparent that the commercial success of a fuel cell vehicle will be tied to the availability of a refueling infrastructure. In other words, it will be difficult to sell hydrogen-powered fuel cell vehicles without first investing in a hydrogen refueling infrastructure. However, it will be difficult to convince investors to build a hydrogen infrastructure if there are no commercial vehicles to use it.

A solution to this “chicken or the egg” dilemma is to provide an onboard reformer to convert a hydrocarbon fuel into a hydrogen-rich gas for utilization by the fuel cell. This strategy could help introduce fuel cell cars to the marketplace earlier and smooth the transition from internal combustion engine to fuel cell-powered vehicles. Hydrocarbon fuels can use the existing infrastructure for refueling and provide a higher hydrogen density than current hydrogen-storage technologies.

Currently, hydrogen is produced industrially from natural gas using a steam reforming process. A similar process can be used for onboard conversion of natural gas or higher hydrocarbons to hydrogen-rich product gases. However, onboard reforming presents several unique challenges, which include size and weight limitations and the need for rapid startup and the need to be responsive to demand. In addition, since the fuel to be used for onboard reforming is still to be determined, the reformer should be fuel-flexible.

There is some debate about which hydrocarbon fuel is optimal for fuel cell systems. Methanol and ethanol are available commodity chemicals and have numerous advantages as fuel (e.g., water soluble, renewable), and methanol is easy to reform. Gasoline and diesel have advantages over the alcohols, including existing refueling infrastructures and higher energy density. However, they are blends of different kinds of hydrocarbons and are more difficult to reform.

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